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Are you a skinny guy who wants to build upper body muscle and strength ? Are struggling to build your upper body fast in order to get ready for the summer? Have you experienced the frustration of seeing no change in your body despite all the steps you're taking to build muscle?

Can you relate to this story...every year you commit to getting into shape and building the body you've always wanted. You know, the one that gets the ladies' attention and has all your buddies jealous wondering what the hell you're doing to add all the muscle that they can't.

So you start out strong and consistent. You're working steady for a couple weeks, but after giving it all you have, pushing your body at the gym day after day, Chris Evans Workout Captain America and Video slamming so much protein you gag on the thought of eating another protein bar or piece of chicken, you find that nothing has changed. No new muscle and if anything a little more fat. Your focus and determination gets weaker. You don't see results and eventually you give in to the idea that it's just not working and you give up.

With so many options, it's tough to know where to turn for solid muscle building advice. But one thing is for sure: if you want to build your upper body, especially if you're a "skinny guy", it's vital that you get the right information that's designed just for you and your body type. Using an ineffective unproven routine, such as the ones you see in magazines articles is simply holding you prisoner in that same scrawny body you've always had.

Let me ask this question point blank. Do you want bigger biceps, pecs, delts, lats???
You want to build all the muscle in your entire upper body right?

Picture yourself, when you take your shirt off this summer and all you can see is a bare chest with bulging pecs, huge biceps, six pac abs, poppin' delts, and the flexed lats that give a perfect that's hot! And you know your buddies and the other "hard gainers" are going be green with envy when you're rockin' that look.

Now the big question is...what do you do to get there?

Well, here's the truth. You can build upper body muscle and strength regardless of "skinny man" genes and the information on this site is going to Chris Evans Workout Captain America and Video  get you there. Here you'll learn the best way to build upper body muscle and strength, even with "skinny man" genes. You'll get the honest truth about the exercises, supplementation, nutrition, and more that will help you to build upper body muscle fast.

Now, I'm going to be honest with you too, there's a lot of useful information on this site that will do more than get you started. But I can't put everything down on this page so yes, I'm also going to refer you to a program that I completely believe in and that I know will take you the rest of the way. So if you really do want to build upper body muscle and strength... 

Just think how great it would be to take of your shirt at the beach or poolside this summer with that upper body muscle that you've always imagined.

Well, it's time to stop reading and start taking action...effective action that is going to help you build muscle. Dive on in to the information below to get your answers and have the body you've always wanted in plenty of time for this summer!