I’ll let you all into a secret I’m a real Marvel Comic super hero geek, there I’ve said it! So I have been waiting for the arrival of the new Captain America film with a great deal of excitement. If you have been watching the trailers for the film it won’t have escaped your attention that the actor playing the part of Captain America, Chris Evans is in great shape and no wonder.
The Captain America workout consists of plyometrics, bodyweight exercises and strength training incorporating deadlifts, bench presses, shoulders presses and squats.
Chris Evans’s workout and diet are built on consistency and dedication (that sounds familiar) , however its worth remembering that it’s not so much the exact exercises that you do but the principles you must incorporate in order to get in shape. So work out regularly and eat a well balanced diet (with lots of protein, fruits, and vegetables.)
Super hero’s have to be agile, strong and muscular. So how did Chris Even get into role? Its reported that Chris trained for two hours a day over a four month period it was so intense he was quoted as saying.
“I’d walk out and I’d be like, ‘I need to vomit. I hate this trainer. I hate this movie. I want to go to sleep for a week.’ It was just relentless.” Needless to say this sounds like an ideal Krav Maga training routine ;-)
These movements build the most muscle but also increase your metabolism so you burn more fat. The Chris Evans workout for Captain America also consisted of a high volume of bodyweight exercises. This allows Chris to move quickly and maintain his balance, by the way it is this type of functional fitness which is also important for Krav Maga.
In the next part of this topic I’ll be outlining a great Captain America exercise routine out based on a simple body workout and is perfect for training around the house, without any specialist equipment. Until the next time train hard and train safe.