Toning up your arms with this one of my bicep and tricep workouts is going to be the answer for leaning out those flabby arms. In no way do I believe in spot reducing, meaning you can do this workout and completely blast away all the flubber hanging off of your arms. But with a solid nutrition program and overall exercise regimen I believe this bicep tricep workout can definitely lean up and tone up those arms. With summer right around the corner I don’t think there will be a single person out there who actually wants to walk on Triceps Workout the beach with a set of flabby arms. I mean we’re looking for tickets to the “gun show” not the “grenade show.” I honestly personally don’t do strictly bicep and tricep workouts because my own total body workouts are enough to train my arms. But I may throw in a few sets of good ole’ fashioned bicep curls and tricep extension just to add a little something extra for the beach muscles. But the main reason I wanted to create this bicep and tricep workout routine was because I knew that there are still a lot of people out there who still need help toning up their arms. But I’ll be the first one to tell you that this arms workout isn’t going to be a miracle worker. Getting on a healthy dieting program along with regular workout routine are going to be the first things to take care of if you’re trying to transform your body. Since we’re on the topic of “guns” let’s do a little comparison. If you’re just planning on losing fat by strictly doing an arms workout than it’s going to be like taking a BB gun and trying to take out a cow but a great dieting and exercise program is going to be like using a shotgun. With the shotgun you’re going to be eating ribs for dinner! (was that too graphic??) With that being said I’d like to present to you my Arms Annihilator Workout! I wouldn’t do this arms workout more than once maybe twice a week and it shouldn’t take priority over your current workout routine. But it’ll be a great addition to throw in there to accelerate the toning of your arms.